From the State of Israel, Quid provides raw hides (brined hides fresh from the slaughterhouses of Nazareth and Jerusalem), the specifications for which are as follows:israele1_img

  • Ex 17/26kg (average 22-24 kg)
  • kip/heifers (max 10% cows branded)
  • 70% mechanical flaying/tearing
  • 30% manual flaying
  • 5% customs allowance
  • 4 containers available each month (approx. 20,000 kg each); port of arrival Venice
  • Ex 26+kg (average 27-29 kg)
  • bulls (max 10% cows branded)israele2_img
  • 80% mechanical flaying/tearing
  • 20% manual flaying
  • 5% customs allowance
  • 6 containers available each month
    (approx. 20,000 kg each); port of arrival Venice

Approx. 30,000 sheep/lamb skins available each month, selection TR, long- and short-hair.


